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OOOH very pretty yarn! I just finished the flower basket shawl - it was a very quick knit for me and the pattern came out so pretty! I can't wait to see how yours comes out:) Have fun!


Ooh, blue and green yarn! Very pretty! Big surprise!

I dyed yours yesterday. It's drying right now! Very exciting. It's bee-ootiful. Do you want to see it before you get it in the post, or let it be a surprise?


I was going to ask if you had checked as to whether your iBook was one of the ones with the logic board problem. They've been adding serial numbers to the list of those covered every few months, and I check mine against the list since the problem cropped up about two years ago. Good luck!

Sarah Elizabeth

Oooohhh! Pretty yarn! I think you'll be the first to use a variagated yarn for the shawl, and I can't wait to see how it comes out! Good luck! :-)


My fingers are crossed and now my toes, too! I hope your ibook is fixed and the memory is intact. Meanwhile, that yarn for your shawl is beautiful!!!


The flower basket yarn is GORGEOUS!! What kind is it?

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