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It's just cruel that you're not telling!


I know what you mean, I saw one this morning that I felt the same way about. I know ones blog is their own, but I don't see any reason for the negativity directed towards ones readers. Your right it just comes across as mean. Just my 2 cents.


I've been doing this blog thing for over two years now and I'm always amazed by the weird personal flareups that happen. I'm confounded by why, in a place where people can carefully edit (and then re-edit) what they communicate, they still can't act like adults. It's so weird! I completely agree about the compassion and kindness.


I'm so insecure that I briefly wondered if it was me. (Then I remembered that I'm not that popular!) I don't know of whom you speak, but I agree that people (not just bloggers) have a responsibility not to say things that hurt others. Simple really.


I know exactly what entry you're talking about 'cause I also thought it was just a bit too pompous and self-important. I'll take good knitting content over pretension any time.


Ohh, I am so curious to know who you are talking about. I did read something today that I thought was a tad obnoxious. Being a new blogger, I guess I don't get the uppityness (new word?) some people have. I guess it matches their real-life personalities!


Its interesting. I came and read your most current post, about the popular blogger, who wrote some negative stuff today. I hadn't yet seen the aforementioned post, so I took a wander around the knit bloggers, accessing whom you might have been referring to. To my surprise, there were quite a number of negative/harsh posts out there today. In my opinion being able to always blog with a positive undertone takes a lot of self-restraint, however too much negativity drags one down! Maybe that is the fine art of blogging, which we are all still learning!


I've been away for a few days and haven't caught up yet, so I haven't made the rounds and stumbled on whichever blog you're referring to. But I've encountered several blogs that do get pretty vitriolic at times, and it just blows me away.


I thought I knew who you were talking about and then I noticed you're not linked to this person, so I guess there are more than a few self-important bloggers out there. People are amazingly arrogant, you give them a little bit of transient internet fame and they think they know all.


I think I know which entry you're talking about, but the sad part is that it doesn't surprise me. Actually, I've come to expect it. I still read their blog and sometimes I post, but I guess I "know my place". Does this comment make any sense??!! In regards to this situation, my mother would say to be a butterfly--travel from flower to flower, never staying too long, and never getting too deep. Blogland is great, but there are several cliques too, with the arrogant ones leading the show (or so it seems)!


Wow! I felt so insecure after I read her post. I emailed my hostess right away and asked if my text was too light etc. Maybe it is my problem that I would feel compelled to do this , but I can't believe how unkind some can be. Can't we all see the main focus...knitting and just enjoy? And I am with you, I get all flustered can you tell...hehe


If you were referring to my post the other day about my likes/dislikes in blogs, please know that it was not meant in a negative way. I've reread it a couple of times and don't see it as being negative (though of course I wrote it and I know what I intended).

I was simply responding to the many email inquiries I've been getting lately asking for tips on what makes a good blog. And I did state clearly that all I said was just my own opinion.

But, it's hard to make everyone happy. I got lots of emails and comments thanking me for my input, but I can see from the comments here that some people took it in a way I did not intend.

Assuming you're talking about me, that is.

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